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Exploring the simplified SOWA One speaker.

Now, moving on to the SOWA One speaker. Visually, it closely resembles the SOWA Pro and shares the same sound quality and battery life. However, the back panel offers simplified controls, limiting manual adjustments. It's designed for straightforward use, with a focus on simplicity. You'll find two inputs: Bluetooth and mini-jack. You can switch between left, right, or mono audio. Notably, the SOWA One lacks the XLR connector, volume offset and delay settings, making it ideal for those seeking a simpler and hassle-free experience. It's perfect for situations where you need multiple units to pair quickly - being used as a companion speaker. However, in such a set-up, the more advanced adjustments of the SOWA Pro is often the preferred choice being used as the Host. Although, you have the flexibility to use any speaker as a host or join.