Looking for help with your SOWA speakers?


Welcome to the troubleshooting and support page of SOWA. Our support system based on the modules found in the SOWA academy. If there is an emergency you are always welcome to directly contact us via our support line.

Below, you will find the most frequently asked questions and their quick fixes. If your question does not exist among them, scroll further for the full manual.

Trouble shooting

  • Verify that speakers are turned on (the user interface will be lit). Press the power button on one or more speakers to turn them on. If a speaker won't turn on, charge the battery.

  • You have connected a microphone or playback device to an input, but the speaker I have connected to is not playing?

    → Make sure that the speaker is in either Host mode (the Host light in the top of the interface lights up), or Standalone mode (neither Host or Join is lit)

    → Make sure that the speaker is turned up on the "Local volume" knob, as well as on the XLR input knob (if microphone is connected), or that the smart phone is turned up.

  • The speaker you have connected a microphone or smartphone to is playing, but other speakers are not?

    Verify that all speakers are turned on (the user interface will be lit).

    Press the power button on one or more speakers to turn them on.

    If a speaker won't turn on, charge the battery.

    Make sure that only one speaker in your system is set to Host mode.

    Make sure that all Joining speakers are in Join mode. Press the "role select" button, until the "JOIN" light is on. The speaker is now listening for nearby speakers in "HOST" mode.

    Make sure that all your speakers are on the same Link channel, see this section of the SOWA manual.

    Make sure that no-one nearby is using another SOWA system on the same channel as your system.

Quick start

    1. Power up the speaker.

    2. Connect an audio source.

    3. Play a tune and adjust the volume.

    You can play up to four independant SOWA systems simultaneously. Press the LINK button, and rotate the Global Volume knob, to select one of four channels for a SOWA.

    If one or more SOWAs are not playing immediately, they may be on different channels. Check this using this procedure.

    If your SOWAs are still not playing, see Troubleshooting.

    To read more, you can read the full SOWA Manual.

    1. Power up the speakers.

    2. Select HOST mode on one SOWA, using the role select (audio source) button.

    3. Set all other speakers to JOIN mode, using the role select (audio source) button.

    4. Connect an audio source to the SOWA in Host mode, and start playing.

    5. Play a tune and adjust the volume.

    You can play up to four independant SOWA systems simultaneously. Press the LINK button, and rotate the Global Volume knob, to select one of four channels for a SOWA.

    If one or more SOWAs are not playing immediately, they may be on different channels. Check this using this procedure.

    If your SOWAs are still not playing, see Troubleshooting.

    To read more, you can read the full SOWA Manual.

Firmware update

  • SOWA and SOWA Pro speakers can be updated with the latest firmware using a Windows application. SOWA can sometimes release new firmware versions with new features or bug fixes.

    Requirements: Windows 10 or 11

  • On a Windows 10 or 11 computer, download the SOWA Firmware Updater App.

    • Install the firmware update app on the computer.

    If Windows prompts you with “Windows protected your PC”, press more info, and then run anyway.

    • Power down the SOWA. Then hold the power button on the SOWA until it starts flashing.

    • Wait a couple of seconds, then press the Bluetooth button (if it is not already flashing).

    • Open the SOWA Firmware Updater App and follow the instructions.

    Download program

Full manual

This document describes the recommended use and care for SOWA and SOWA Pro loudspeakers by SOWA.

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If there was no answer for your question please do not hesitate to reach out to us and we will answer you as quick as possible.